Inspiration Library 2.0.6

Inspiration Library is a application for curating, collecting, and organizing ideas through photos and designs, allowing you to save files and categorize them according to collections and libraries. Collect ideas that spark your creativity and make you want to create.

What's more, Inspiration Library has an extension for Chrome web browser. With it installed, you can "snap" entire web pages and save it in the library.
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to have a screen capture feature with a scrolling window to bring in other type of documents such as Word or a PDF, which must work with Word or a PDF, perhaps a Save As feature to import into the Collections. I do not want to be limited to webpages

Resz, 03.04.2014, 04:39
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I would like to see this program offered for MAC and also add a few Websites to get the user going could be programmed in.

would like to... suggest an idea I would like to see this program offered for MACs as well and also add a few inspirational Websites for Graphics and Creative writing to programmed into the program to allow the user to see what the program can...
webbtech51, 02.04.2014, 16:14
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A Sharing option added to the program so that users can share Websites with each other.

I would like to... suggest an idea A Sharing option added to the program so that users can share Websites with each other.
webbtech51, 02.04.2014, 16:17
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Add some inspirational links or ideas to the program for writers, art, typography, automation and so on to give the user a start and an idea of how to use the program for their specific field.

Inspiration Library 2.06 improvement suggestion.
webbtech51, 02.04.2014, 16:35
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Make the buy button more intuitive& conspicuous, add sync capability for multiple devices & backup, add ability to save documents (& abiltiy to save just about anything)..

First, I had to go to the instructions to register the product, which is OK. But when you want someone to buy something, take a leaf from Amazon's book, look for ways to remove barriers. It is an easy fix-BUY NOW! in the lower left hand corner....
c1oudrs, 02.04.2014, 17:23
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An option to save notes in the collections

It would be nice to be able to dot down ideas as well as save images. It would make it more powerful as a creative brainstorming tool.
Breagha, 02.04.2014, 19:16